Account Information
With the help of this function, you can fetch the information for a given account. It takes four parameters: the provider, account, currency, and the callback function.
Currency can be one off these options: AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, CLP, CNH, CNY, CZK, EUR, GBP, HKD, HUF, INR, ILS, JPY, KRW, MXN, MYR, NOK, NZD, PLN, RUB, SDG, SEK, SGD, TRY, TWD, USD, ZAR.
function accountInformation(provider, account, currency, callback)
Possible Responses:
"RQT":"account_information", // Request Type
"RQI":"13", // Request Id
"RES":"OK", // Result
"PV":"PTS", // Provider
"AC":"acc2342425", // Account
"CIM":"6000", // Current Initial Margin
"CIMO":"6000", // Current Initial Margin Including Orders
"UIM":"6000", // Unfilled Initial Margin
"CMM":"6000", // Current Maintenance Margin
"CMMO":"6000", // Current Maintenance Margin Including Orders
"UMM":"6000", // Unfilled Maintenance Margin
"NOP":"6000", // Net Option Premium
"LOP":"6000", // Long Option Premium
"SOP":"6000", // Short Option Premium
"NOV":"6000", // Net Option Value
"LOV":"6000", // Long Option Value
"SOV":"6000", // Short Option Value
"NLV":"6000", // Net Liquidation Value
"NCO":"6000", // Net Cash Operations
"ICA":"6000", // Intraday Commissions Applied
"IFA":"6000", // Intraday Fees Applied
"MTOTE":"6000", // MTM Total Open Trade Equity
"MTAE":"6000", // MTM Total Account Equity
"MEB":"6000", // MTM Ending Balance
"STOTE":"6000", // SOD Total Open Trade Equity
"STAE":"6000", // SOD Total Account Equity
"SEB":"6000", // SOD Ending Balance
"PP":"6000", // Purchasing Power
"GFPL":"6000", // Gross Futures Profit Loss
"MC":"6000", // Margin Credit
"TMR":"6000", // Total Margin Reqs
"SOD":"6000", // Securities On Deposit
"EF":"6000", // Excess Funds
"OLVR":"6000", // OAK Liquidation Value Realtime
"OMES":"6000", // OAK Margin Excess Settle
"OWOM":"6000", // OAK Working Order Margin
"OMER":"6000", // OAK Margin Excess Realtime
"OLOVS":"6000", // OAK Long Option Value Settle
"OBS":"6000", // OAK Balance Settle
"OOTER":"6000", // OAK Open Trade Equity Realtime
"OLOVR":"6000", // OAK Long Option Value Realtime
"OSOVR":"6000", // OAK Short Option Value Realtime
"OLVS":"6000", // OAK Liquidation Value Settle
"OBR":"6000", // OAK Balance Realtime
"OSOVS":"6000", // OAK Short Option Value Settle
"OOTES":"6000" // OAK Open Trade Equity Settle
"RQT":"account_information", // Request Type
"RQI":"13", // Request Id
"RES":"ERR", // Result
"MSG":"Account not found" // Error Message